Recommended Reading

21 Hacks to Rock Your Life: Stop Procrastinating, Do That Thing and Live a Life on Purpose - Cat Coluccio

Part of the challenge of addressing an autoimmune disorder such as Hashimoto's is making the necessary lifestyle and nutritional changes and making them stick.  Cat's book gives lots of practical strategies on making sustainable changes. 

Topics include:

  • MIND HACKS - Visualization, multitasking, breathing
  • PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT HACKS – Clutter, open-space offices, noise
  • HEALTH AND WELLBEING HACKS – Snooze buttons, alarm clocks, movement, nourishment
  • TIME HACKS – Time management, Wheel of Life, dealing with the hard stuff, planning
  • ATTITUDE HACKS – Establishing boundaries, moods and attitudes
  • ACCELERATION HACKS – Implementing systems, working with a dream team
  • ACTION HACKS – intentional action, getting started

Hashimoto's Protocol - Izabella Wentz

This is one of the classics in understanding many of the triggers contributing to Hashimoto's.  A must read.  However, it underestimates the need for a qualified practitioner, such as a health coach, to help with addressing some of the more complex triggers and to help with supporting making sustainable changes.

Food - What the Heck Should I Eat?

Confused about all the conflicting information on what you should and shouldn't be eating?  Dr. Hyman uses easy-to-understand science to explain the myths and truths about our food, what foods nurture us and what we're getting wrong.

Ready to discover how to get the health you need for the life you want?  

Book Your FREE 20-min Consultation.
